Download paketnya dengan cara klik kata berikut: Paket Lengkap OpenBVE Indonesia Masukan Serial Numbernya (baca dipaling bawah cara mendapakan serial numbernya) Isi paket OpenBVE Indonesia. Cara Download OpenBVE Indonesia: Siapkan WinRAR, Internet Download Manager, dll. OpenBVE adalah salah satu game simulator kereta api, dengan openbve anda dapat mengedit rute yang dilewati kereta dan rangkaian kereta, dalam openbve indonesia terdapat kereta dan rute yang sama dengan kereta api dan rute di Indonesia, seperti Argo Bromo, Sancaka, KRDE, KRL, Lokomotif yang dimiliki Indonesia, dll. Tags: OpenBve 2016, Route Openbve Terbaru 2016, Route Openbve Terbaru Juli 2016, OpenBVE Indonesia Route Bandung, Rute OpenBVE Bandung Donatur ADD ONS: Akhbar. With good luck I did find these more download links of the website page of sir AdamSantosa url=206 V4 SHD Series.rarGood day and night for you HK. I will wait until Adam Santoso releases the new EF81. Do you know if the train is still available?Sir jorgecerezo I do find the train EF81 with passenger cars at this webpage download site I am sad I do not find train EF81 with freight cars Good day and night for you Hijau Sir Hijau, You can find the links for the EF81 freight trains here: Unfortunately we can't download them because the website is down. BANDUNG Rute Openbve Indonesia Bandung (II). Rute Openbve Indonesia Bandung (II).pdf Download Indonesia Rute Openbve Indonesia Bandung -.BANDUNG. I've visited the links you posted, but I can't find it. Download Indonesia Rute Openbve Indonesia Bandung -.BANDUNG. Jorgecerezo wrote:I'm looking for this japanese train: EF81 with freight cars. A new Indonesian website is available here: After registering (free) you will be able to reach the following page: With a lot of topics (mainly rolling stock but, surfing, you will discover Indonesian routes) to download.